Fr. 5.  April 2023: Dance World, Stuttgart

Sa. 6. April 2023: StreetArt Stuttgart

Sa. 4., So. 5., Sa. 11. & So. 12. Mai 2024: Urban Circus, Eliszis Jahrmarktstheater, Stuttgart

So. 7. & So. 14. Juli 2024: Festival der Strassenkunst, Killesberg, Stuttgart

6. - 8. Sept. 2024: Stramu Würzburg

6. - 8. Sept. 2024: Magnifest, Braunschweig

Sa. 28. & So. 29. Sept. 2024: Urban Circus, Eliszis Jahrmarktstheater, Stuttgart

Weitere Daten werden entsprechend veröffentlicht.


Sa. 1. April 2023: StreetArt Stuttgart

Fr. 14. - So. 16. April 2023: Dance World, Stuttgart

Sa. 29. April 2023: StraKu Festival, Heilbronn

So. 30. April - Mo. 1. Mai 2023: Festival der Straßenkunst, Stuttgart

Fr. 12. - So. 14. Mai 2023: Buskers Braunschweig

Sa. 13. Mai 2023: Maimarkt Helferrichstraße, Stuttgart

Fr. 19. - Sa. 20. Mai: Straßen.Kunst.Festival Wiener Neustadt

Sa. 20. Mai 2023: Dance Dynasty, Brig (Schweiz)

Fr. 26. - Mo. 29. Mai 2023: Internationales Kleinkunstfestival, Heringsdorf (Usedom)

Sa. 3. & So. 4. Juni 2023: Buskers Vaduz, Liechtenstein

Fr. 30. Juni - Sa. 1. Juli 2023: Festival in the Streets, Ostrava (Tschechien)

Fr. 7. - So. 9. July 2023: Roma Buskers (Italien)

Do. 20 - Sa. Juli 2023: Linzer Pflasterspektakel

Do. 31. Aug. - So. 3. Sept. 2023: Busking & Street Art & Creativity Festival, Pilsen (Tschechien)

Fr. 1. - So.  10. Sept. 2023: Kulturlaube beim Stuttgarter Weindorf, Stuttgart

Fr. 8. - So. 10. Sept. 2023: Magnifest, Braunschweig

Sa. 16. Sept. 2023: Stadtfest, Tuttlingen

Di. 19. Sept. 2023: ProFachhandel Messe, Nürnberg

Mo. 25. Sept. 2023: Handballspiel in der Porsche-Arena, Stuttgart

Sa. 30. Sept., So. 1. & Di. 3. Okt. 2023: "Circles on the Spot" - die urbane Zirkusshow von Floor LegendZ und Olgashow (Premiere), Stuttgart

Sa. 28. Okt. 2023: Mall of Berlin

Sa. 25. Nov. 2023: Milaneo, Stuttgart

Über uns

"Entertainment made in Germany SINCE 2007"

Floor LegendZ ist ein professionelles Künstlerensemble, das mit ihren kurzweiligen Auftritten, die Zuschauer sowohl in Deutschland als auch weltweit begeistert. Ihre Mischung aus atemberaubender Akrobatik, verschiedenen Tanzstilen inklusive actiongeladenem Breakdance, charmantem Humor und Livemusik auf höchstem Niveau ist in dieser Konstellation einmalig.

Das Team, welches 2007 gegründet wurde, überzeugt mit jahrelanger Erfahrung in den Bereichen Theater, Entertainment, und vor allem Straßenkunst. Regelmäßig arbeiten sie mit hochkarätigen Tänzern, Musikern und anderen Künstlern zusammen, um innovative Unterhaltungskonzepte zu kreieren. So wurde unter anderem auch die eigene Tanztheaterproduktion „Achtung! Straßentheater!“ realisiert, welche bereits in mehreren Auflagen aufgeführt wurde.

Zusammen mit den preisgekrönten Musikern Olga (klassische Violine mit FX Loops) und Marino Colina (Drums) von Olagashow ist in diesem Zug ein Programm der Spitzenklasse entstanden. In Theatern, bei Festivals sowie Veranstaltungen unterschiedlichster Art, mit und ohne Bühne, und natürlich in ihrer ursprünglichen Form in Fußgängerzonen und Innenstädten ziehen die Künstler gekonnt mit ihrer Leidenschaft und Energie das faszinierte Publikum in ihren Bann.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.

Das Team

Our International Members

Floor LegendZ consists of international dancers from all over the world. All have many years of experience in dance and performance. Each member can be booked individually or as a group for shows, workshops and modeling.

Nino Boehm

Artist Name: Air Nino
From: Germany
Artist since: 2005
Skills: Acrobatics, Breaking, Diabolo,
Salsa, Clown, Personal Trainer


Nino is a passionate dancer and acrobat.

Due to his attraction to especially hard moves, he has developed an energetic, spectacular style.

Being a street performer all around the world, Nino knows how to entertain.

He is also an experienced dance and gymnastics instructor, choreographer as well as event organizer.

Bboy real german engine floor legendz stuttgart germany

Vanesco Boehm

Artist Name: The Real German Engine
From: Germany
Dancer since: 2002
Skills: Breaking, Flexible, Bachata


Vanesco started dancing in 2002. Soon after having attended classes of the former German breakdance champion Vsan, he began teaching others, participated in competitions and performed shows at various events.

Since 2005 he also became committed with the organization of break dance battles.

In 2007, Vanesco founded 'Floor LegendZ' together with his brother Nino.

Meanwhile Vanesco has developed a passion for several kinds of dances including Latin social dances.

Besides doing dancing, yoga, modelling and marketing jobs, Vanesco works as IT specialist.

Majed Mehyo

Artist Name: Spark
From: Syria
Dancing since: 2008
Skills: Hip Hop, Breaking, Modern, Beatbox


Rebecca Zergaw

Artist Name: Becci
Dancing since: 2003
From: Germany
Skills: Salsa, Hip Hop, Dance Hall


Eric Glissant

Artist Name: Eric
From: France
Dancing since: 2002
Skills: Acrobatics, Hip Hop, Breaking,
Contemporary, Modern, Kizomba


Pioli Barcelona Venezuela Power Moves Breakdance

Alvaro Silva

Artist Name: Bboy Pioli
From: Venezuela
Dancing since: 2002
Skills: Breaking, Powermoves

Patrick Bäurer

Artist Name: Patrick
From: Germany
Artist since: 2011
Skills: Freestyle Soccer


Jonathan Ng

Artist Name: Jono
From: Australia
Dancing since: 2009
Skills: Breaking


Jonathan aka Giovanni, aka half Italian half Bruce Lee, started breakdancing in 2009, in Sydney Australia.

Since starting he has volunteered and taught workshops in various NGOs in Cambodia, schools in Europe, and in Australia.

Jonathan was born in Australia, however is of Italian/Chinese/Hungarian background. Being brought up around diverse cultural backgrounds, this inspired Jonathan to want to travel the world.

His style and character is playful and creative. He loves creating from different shapes and positions with his dance, which includes power, footwork, and freezes.

Sadik Mekouar

Artist Name: Bboy Bison 
From: Morocco
Dancing since: 1997
Skills: Breaking, Powermoves


Bboy Bison based in Sydney but born and raised in Morocco is a professional breakdancer who has travelled the world performing in theatre productions, street shows and private events/functions, as well featuring in numerous dance competitions and commercials. 

His experience earned him the privelage of dancing with companies such as Notre Dame du Paris and Cirque Du Soleil to name a few.

Taimatariki Mihaere

Artist Name: Bboy Tai
From: New Zealand
Dancing since: 2011
Skills: Breaking, Host


Arnold Nuss

Artist Name: Crazy Nut
From: Russia/Germany
Dancing since: 2006
Skills: Acrobatics, Hand Balancing


Arnold aka Crazy Nut is an experienced dancer, model, and entertainer who was born in Siberia, Russia but raised in Germany.

Since starting dance in the streets of his hometown, he has become a professional street performer all around the world, as well as in different events and festivals.

His style is acrobatic, dynamic, and powerful. Powermoves and handstand balancing are some of his specialties.
